In India, Crystal is also called SPHATIK. The name quartz comes from the Saxon word querklufterz which means "cross vein ore" Crystal is from the Greek word Krystallos, which means "ice", due to the early Greek belief that rock crystal formed from ice. There isn't just a single crystal that is all-powerful. Rather, there are several crystals and minerals that can be used to heal and provide spiritual guidance. However, when most people think of healing crystals, they think of the clear quartz crystal. Many practitioners that use crystals and minerals for healing work would agree that the quartz crystal, in various shapes and sizes, is truly one of the most versatile and useful crystals the earth has to offer.
Vastu Shastra - an inquisitive science of architecture encapsulates the forces which act upon a given space through flow of positive energy. Vastu refers to 'abode' or mansion and Shastra or Vidya means science or knowledge, so Vastu Vidya is the sacred holistic science pertaining to designing and building of houses. The principles of vastu have been derived from Sthapathya Veda- one of the ancient sacred books in Hinduism.
The word Rudraksha, comes from the two Sanskrit words Rudra, a synonym for Lord Shiva, and Aksha, meaning “eyes”. Botanically, Rudraksha tree is known as Elaecarpus Ganitrus Roxb. The Seed of this plant has a rough surface and a hole running through it from top to bottom. Each seed also possesses from 1 to 21 vertical lines running down its surface like the longitude lines on a globe.
Feng Shui is the Chinese wisdom to understand universal energy and its effects. Feng Shui, the mystic Chinese art, creates balance and harmony in our personal environment. Feng Shui's simple translation is "Wind & Water", which are the essential elements in the nature and in our lives. Feng Shui remedies are used to change the flow of energy in our surroundings and harness this energy for happy, healthy and prosperous life.
All these spiritual products help to give protection against various evil effects, evil eyes and maladies of life. Some of them also give protection from the negative effects of malefic planets or from those planets that are wrongly placed in the horoscope. Some of them also help to reduce the malefic effects of various bad Yogas or Doshas of Horoscope.
PARAD (Mercury) is regarded as the sperm (seed) of Lord Shiva and in Ayurveda it is a flowing metalloid (fluid metal). The Parad items presented here are made with a mixture of Mercury, along with Silver and other metals. Ancient Vedas have considered Parad as the most pure and auspicious metal which has very high religious importance.
A Yantra provides a focal point that is a window into the absolute. When the mind is concentrated on a single, simple object (in this case a Yantra), the mental chatter ceases. Eventually, the object is dropped when the mind can remain empty and silent without help. In the most advanced phases, it is possible to attain unison with God by the geometric visualization of a Yantra.
Gemstones have attracted humankind since the Ancient times, and have long been used for jewelry. The prime requisite for a gem is that it must be beautiful. The beauty may lie in color or lack of color, in the latter case, extreme limpidity and "fire" may provide the attraction. A gem must also be durable to withstand the wear and tear of constant handling.
Shaligrams are sacred 'shilas' or stones representing the abstract form of Lord Vishnu. His followers, the Hindu Vaishnavas, place these stones in their puja altars for daily worship. Just as the abstract form of Shiva is the stone ‘lingam’ which the Shaivites worship in their temples and homes, so is the ‘shila’ of Lord Vishnu According to Hindu tradition, the Shaligram stone is the shelter for a small insect known as the 'vajra-keeta' that cuts through this stone and lives inside it
Astro Meenaakshi Won World Famous Astrologer of the Year Award at National Quality Awards 2024 hosted by Brand Empower Pvt Ltd.
National Quality Awards 2024, held on 28th September 2024 in New Delhi. This distinguished event, organized by Brand Empower Pvt. Ltd., under the visionary leadership of Rahul Ranjan Singh, celebrates innovation and excellence across various industries, bringing together esteemed leaders to recognize remarkable achievements and contributions.
Dr. Meenaakshi stands amidst the celebrated Vastu Consultants. Her advice offers a light on inner contradictions and natural strengths of people.
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